i'm fine with my kids, and yours, in church!
i always face sundays alone since my husband works. even making it there at all is a victory since i've had my littlest son 5 months ago! every Saturday comes with thoughts of Sunday and church. i usually have so many thoughts about church going on in my head at once!
i think about picking outfits and possibly having to iron them. i think about trying to schedule feeding and morning naps so that my infant is the least cranky possible, i think about how i can manage my infant's morning schedule and make it on time, i think about packing things for each kid to have after church when we spend the rest of the day at my parents' house, and all this is just the pre-church thoughts!
when i think about actually being in service, i think about how much i'm going to have to focus on my kids while trying to worship and fellowship. i do think that it is MY job to focus on them! but let me say a big thank you to all the dedicated and wonderful teachers, workers, and pastors of all children's ministries because i understand that they have their place AND i will say that i have no problem with children's services that are separate from the sanctuary where the adults are...however, my personal preference is for my children to be in "big church" with myself and my family. i also enjoy seeing children of the other parents who choose the same, all around me.
i am actually going to give myself an "A" for this subject!!! i would also like to offer my seal of approval for any parent who is keeping their children (of all ages) in church with them, and stepping up to the challenge that it often is (especially with toddlers and teenagers). and i would like to encourage others to do the same. plus, i would like to (lovingly) rebuke anyone who has been negative, either face to face or behind someone's back, about a family choosing for their children to be in the main church service.
ok, so on with the encouragement!... having your children in church with the adults will be a constant work-in-progress. if we adults are still being sanctified, let's not expect the children to behave perfectly! and i guess the encouragement must go hand in hand with the rebuke... so to others who give disapproving glares, i would tell you the same! YOU are still being sanctified, and you can't expect the children to behave perfectly! the toddlers and young children who make noise and wiggle a little in their seats are in training to become still and quiet older children who will be soaking up the Word of God in a few years. and the teenagers who must occasionally be prodded to sit up and pay attention are worth investing into their lives the training required to instill the proper respect and behavior necessary for church attendance.
i'll make a few side notes now. i am still working on keeping track of my kids' whereabouts and behavior before/after church. i would probably give myself an "B+" for this, but ever strive for an "A+". i do not ever approve of children being excessively loud, roudy, or running at church!!! i don't think we should tolerate running and screaming before/after church. and i don't think we should tolerate (especially older kids and teens) talking or laughing during service. it IS church, afterall. i do believe in maintaining lines that warrant discipline versus simple training and patience. and i would definitely be one of those parents giving those disapproving stares upon witnessing such behavior!
but back to reasonable situations... babies especially should never warrant ugly looks or whispers. they're babies afterall! i mean, i won't let mine scream the entire time without taking him out, but i also think we should ignore the baby babble and let it pass.
so as i look forward to church tomorrow, i look forward to being with my kids, and yours, in service! i hope you will be encouraged to try to keep your kids with you if it's something you've held back on out of fear of what others will think. i also hope you give yourself an "A" for effort, no matter how hard it might actually be! and please be mindful of others who want their children in "big church" even if your choice is a different one.
may it be a blessed day!
Funny, this is exactly what our church wants! To have a family service with no nursery. I totally love the idea but as a parent I find it incredibly hard to really follow the sermon when the kids are present for preaching the word time. Either I'm finding ways to entertain them with paper and pen or tending to their wants and needs during service. I keep telling myself it will get easier as they get order....at least I hope so!